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Some studies carried out in the TC:
Research work - “Development of calculation models for radiation resistance of the contemporary electronic component base with multilayer metallization to the effects of ionizing radiation”, code “Metall”.
Work objective::
Development of calculation models for radiation resistance of the contemporary electronic component base with multilayer metallization to the effects of ionizing radiation.
Work tasks::
- analysis of the produced LSI and VLSI technology in terms of geometry of ionizing radiation sensitive areas, layout rules, the number of metallization layers and materials used;
- analysis of the LSI and VLSI encapsulation technologies in terms of materials used and providing resistance to ionizing radiation;
- development of the calculation model for state-of-the-art LSI and VLSI resistance to ionizing radiation of space and simulators;;
- development of the regulatory document on calculation of test standards for state-of-the-art LSI and VLSI with multilayer metallization testing for resistance to ionizing radiation of space at a simulator with photon energy of 10-1250 keV.
Research work – “Creation of the information base of the radiation resistant electronic component base also resistant to space factors as well as the electronic component base on the basis of the study of physical effects occurring when exposed to specific factors” code “Delta”, (May 2010 – July 2011).
Work objective:
Improvement (development) of scientific, methodological and information support of radiation resistance of the manufactured nomenclature of the electronic component base (EEE) including functionally complex VLSI.
Work tasks:
- creation of the information base of radiation resistant (to space factors as well) electronic component base;
- execution of theoretical and experimental research of physical effects in the new generation EEE structures including functionally complex VLSI during radiation resistance certification;
- development of the test method for the new generation EEE including functionally complex VLSI designed for implementation in electronic equipment of special and dual application to be tested for special resistance considering theoretical and experimental research of new physical effects in EEE structures during radiation resistance certification;
- project design for technical assignment for development work.
Work tasks
Development of requirements for quality, reliability and resistance of electronic modules when exposed to external factors action.
Development of the software and techniques (scenarios) to test electronic modules (including those created as “system-on-chip” types,) and the identification system.
Development of methods evaluating resistance of electronic modules created as “system-on-chip” types to external factors action.
Research work – “Research of exposure effects, development and improvement of evaluation methods for resistance of functionally complex electronic component base of new generation to special factors action”, code “Dialektika-ku”.
Work tasks:
Execution of theoretical and experimental research of new physical effects to the functionally complex EEE of the new generation microelectronics when exposed to special factors, detection and simulation of dominating failure mechanisms.
Execution of research to improve methodological and technical means to control proper operating condition of the functionally complex EEE of the new generation microelectronics during tests for special resistance.
The test center specialists participate in development of radiation testing and research standards and methods in cooperation with the organizations of The Russian Federal Space Agency, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Education and Science and the Russian Federal Atomic Energy Agency.
The recently developed documents include:
- standard method of EEE testing for resistance to all kinds of single effects at the output of the ion accelerator У-10 of FSUE “State science center of the Institute for theoretical and experimental physics” (definitive and check tests), #Л-МЕ-11;
- standard method of EEE testing for resistance to all kinds of single effects at the proton synchrocyclotron of PNPI of the RAS (definitive and check tests), #Л-МЕ-22;
- test methods for CCD-arrays and functionally complex VLSI based on research of physical effects occurring when exposed to space factors in terms of natural ionizing radiation of space (# ЛРФ-1, ЛРФ-2);
- method of EEE testing for single effects of SEU type (# НПК-1/986);
- method of EEE testing for single effects of SEL type (# НПК-1/987);
- method of EEE testing for single effects of SEL type SEB, SEGR type (# НПК-1/988);
- RD 134-0198-2012 REGULATORY DOCUMENT ON STANDARDIZATION OF SPACE AND MISSILE SYSTEMS. ONBOARD ELECTRONIC RADIO EQUIPMENT FOR SPACECRAFTS. Compliance assessment procedure for test centers (laboratories) testing the electronic component base for resistance to natural ionizing radiation of space according to the requirements of regulatory documents;
- RD 134-0200-2012 REGULATORY DOCUMENT ON STANDARDIZATION OF SPACE AND MISSILE SYSTEMS. ONBOARD ELECTRONIC RADIO EQUIPMENT FOR SPACECRAFTS. Testing of electronic component base and electronic radio equipment for resistance to ionizing radiation of space. Terms and definitions are provided in the test section;
- RD 134-0191-2011 REGULATORY DOCUMENT ON STANDARDIZATION OF SPACE AND MISSILE SYSTEMS. ONBOARD ELECTRONIC RADIO EQUIPMENT FOR SPACECRAFTS. Test methods for analog and analog-to-digital integral microcircuits exposed to single high-energy protons and heavy charged particles of space at charged particle accelerators;
- RD 134-0192-2011 REGULATORY DOCUMENT ON STANDARDIZATION OF SPACE AND MISSILE SYSTEMS. ONBOARD ELECTRONIC RADIO EQUIPMENT FOR SPACECRAFTS. Test methods for high-power MOS transistors exposed to single high-energy protons and heavy charged particles of space at charged particle accelerators;
- RD V 319.03.58-2010 KSKK. INTEGRAL MICROCIRCUITS AND SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES. Test and assessment methods for integral circuits and high-power MIS FETs resistance based on failure effects when exposed to single high-energy heavy charged particles and protons of space;
- RD 134-0175-2009 REGULATORY DOCUMENT ON STANDARDIZATION OF SPACE AND MISSILE SYSTEMS. ONBOARD ELECTRONIC RADIO EQUIPMENT FOR SPACECRAFTS. Test methods for very large-scale digital integral microcircuits exposed to single high-energy protons and heavy charged particles of space at charged particle accelerators.