On April 18 to 20, 2018, Saint Petersburg held international scientific and technical conference “Ways to provide the contemporary electronic equipment with the reliable electronic component base” (”Certification of ECB-2018”)
More than 300 representatives from over 170 organizations participated in the conference. Among those more than 70 upper-management representatives (Chief Executive Officers, Chief Engineering Officers, Deputy Director Generals) and over 20 candidates and doctors of science were present.
Representatives from Minpromtorg, JSC Ruselectronics, Navy, Roscosmos, Rosatom took part in the conference.
36 reports were debriefed Debriefed reports concerned the issues of domestic achievements in radioelectornics, as well as ISI and ECB applications in space, aerial and shipbuilding industries.
A planar report was made by: Minpromtorg department of radioelectroinc industry deputy director Yu.V Plyasunov, Director General FGUP “MNIIRIP” P.P. Kuc’ko, JSC “Roselectronics” DIrector General for External Relations A.V Brykin, JSC “NIIME” First Deputy Director General N.A. Shlepin, JSC “RSCI “Electronstandart” First Deputy Director General R.G. Levin, JSC “Russian space systems” Deputy Chief Engineering Officer V.B. Steshenko.
Representatives of the JSC "Russian Space Systems", JSC "Information Satellite Systems" Reshetnev, PJSC Tupolev, PJSC Sukhoi Company, Helicopters of Russia JSC, United Shipbuilding Corporation JSC, Almaz-Antei Concern OJSC.
Based on the results of the conference, a decision will be issued and submitted for consideration to the Department of Radioelectronic Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, in addition, the issue of the Petersburg Electronics magazine will be prepared, dedicated to the speeches and the results of the conference.