Joint-stock company RSRI “Electronstandart”  is the head organization on defensive production standardization in the electronic component segment

Focus areas of joint-stock company “RSRI “Electronstandart”:

- specification and technical documentation development and regulatory documents fund formation on electronic component base;

- ensuring of branch standardization functioning and also development of necessary organizational-methodical documents;

- development and reconsideration of military and national standards in the field of improvement of the regulatory technical support of the Electronic Component Base creating and applying processes for consolidation of the Electronic Radio Equipment;

- improving the system of supplying enterprises of radio-electronic complex with regulatory documents;

- protecting the interests of the field when developing inter-branch documents on technical regulation;

- examination of reliability and resistance of Electronic Component Base and Electronic Radio Equipment under different kinds of external effecting factors;

- qualification, certification and screening tests of the domestically produced and foreign Electronic Component Base for compliance with the requirements of national and international standards;

- measurement of the wide range of parameters of functionally complex domestically produced and foreign Electronic Component Base;

- expertise and failure analysis of Electronic Component Base and Electronic Radio Equipment using modern physicotechnical methods and means;

- integral microcircuit assembly in metal-to-ceramic and plastic packages with up to 2000 leads;

- automated information acquisition and systematization, and creation of the data bank on quality and reliability of Electronic Component Base at all stages of the life cycle;

- certification and testing of the consumer and general industrial radio electronic and electrotechnical equipment;

- certification of quality management systems of organizations in terms of compliance with the requirements of national and foreign standards;

- development and manufacturing of the promising samples of test equipment for the highly reliable electronic component base;

- development and manufacturing of gas analysis instruments providing life safety;

- research, development and manufacturing of hydrometeorological devices for the benefit of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

- national and foreign market promotion of the information about the Russian radio-electronic complex achievements.


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History and nowadays

History and nowadays

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Certificates and licenses

Certificates and licenses

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